
Friday, October 03, 2008

Green Vase

Posted by PicasaI'm enjoying getting back into the habit of drawing something daily. It isn't the chore now that it was the first day or two, and I actually feel some inspiration returning. For me I think the trick has been to do a drawing every day, but not post it until the next afternoon when I get home from work. In the past when doing daily drawing / posting, I've always drawn, scanned, and posted in the same day. For some reason, doing it this way has taken the pressure off. Go figure.

I'm also drawing just whatever the heck is in front of me, without getting too worked up about subject matter. Like this green urn or vase or whatever you would want to call it -- let's call it a vessel for the sake of artistic sounding conversation. It's a really old piece ... I mean, kind of an old piece that I snagged from my Mom when I was a kid and she was going to throw it away. I've kept it all these many years ... I mean for the past few years, and just love it for some reason.

I drew this while listening to part of the debate last night. I don't normally talk politics, but... Okay ... this time.... I thought one of the candidates sounded good and presented well, even if not accurate on all points, while the other started off a little bit slow but then blew me away with her straightforward talking, attitude and intelligence. I'll let you guess who I liked best.

Silly political thing I heard said today (on a podcast, so it was probably really said a day or two ago and I'm listening to it late..) from a respected person talking about the economic situation:
"Why doesn't McCain or Obama do something about this?"
Uh ... because neither has been elected president yet? You think? Why, indeed... (Is there an emoticon I could use for eye rolling? Imagine. I'm rolling my eyes.)


Teri said...

Pretty vase Linda. I am so glad you are getting back in the mood!
That's how I do mine; sketch and paint one day and post the next morning. Otherwise I feel too rushed.

Politics? I'm not even going there, my husband has already driven me nuts on it.

steviewren said...

Beautiful colors! Did you sketch with with a pen and then add the watercolor?

Linda said...

Teri -- I should have figured that trick out long ago. Some of us are just sloooow learners, though....

And thank you steviewren! In this one I did the ink first. I usually do when I'm playing with gouache, because it is a bit chalky and lays on top of the paper, and can clog the pen up. With watercolor I will often do it the other way around -- lay in some watercolor bones and then finish off with ink. Both ways are fun!

Unknown said...

Ooohh..I know this vase! And it looks so pretty in your gouache! Nicely done.

And I didn't listen to the debate. I was too chicken.