
Friday, November 07, 2008

Pretty Pretty

I stopped in at Jerry's* on the way home from work today to pick up a piece of watercolor paper, and saw this bundle of brightly colored little Fabriano sketchbooks at the register. They've been up there for a while, but this time, one of the packages was open and I could touch the paper. The red book on top had paper that very white and with a slick finish.

"Well, that would just be good for pen and ink and not much else," I said to the cashier.

"Oh no. Each one has a different kind of paper. And they're on sale."

Those Jerry's people have figured me out.

"Well, okay then. I'll get two," I said. "It's not too early to start Christmas shopping."

All together now, to the tune of Happy Birthday --
Merry Christmas to meee.... Merry Christmas to meeee.... Merry Christmas very early.... Merry Christmas to meeee.


*I know -- I'm VERY fortunate to be able to drop into Jerry's on the way home from work. I really do know that.

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Here's the list of what type of paper is in each sketchbook. Very fun!

Did I mention that they were on sale?


Anonymous said...

I think it is delightful that you have gotten a head-start on your Christmas shopping! Merry Christmas to you!!!

Teri said...

Oh man, you just walked into Jerry's?! I could only dream.

That paper does sound very interesting. Let us know how you like it. The mailman likes coming to my house :)

mimbles said...

Those sketchbooks do look irresistible, Merry Christmas! :)

annie said...

Merry Christmas to you! Isn't it a relief to have begun the shopping?!! Enjoy them!

steviewren said...

I'm a sucker for good paper. At work we receive invoices from a local attorney's office on the nicest paper. I love to touch it. If I knew where they bought it I would own some of it. Heavy weight textured cardstock makes me swoon. Part of the attraction of a good magazine is the paper it's printed on. So I say don't apologize for being unable to resist the sketchbooks....and anyway Christmas is still a holiday away.

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOOHHHHH...I remember looking at these the last time we were there together, and then I saw them in the sale paper...

Can't wait to see them in person!

Margaret Ann said...

What a fabulous find! :)