This is my lifesaving drink of choice today, along with plain old water and the occasional glass of peach nectar (soothes the throat) -- add to the list Advil, Children's Benadryl (doesn't knock me out so badly), hot baths, hot soup, lots of fluids, sleep... And I STILL think I'm going to miss my pastel workshop tomorrow.
See you all tomorrow. Take your vitamins and stay healthy.
AHHHH, sounds pretty ugly. I hope you feel well enough to go tomorrow. I hate it when being sick interferes with my "days off plans",
Yeah, there is nothing worse than using a 'sick day' to be sick. Hang in there!!
I hope you get well enough to enjoy a little weekend time...
We can't so much as sniffle once and our boss lady gives us a dose of that AirBorne stuff. I used to hate the taste of it but I think it actually helps!
Ah yuck, Linda -- I agree, being home seems to call for something FUN -- and those are the very days, I can't paint! LOL Get well quick, cara ....!!!! My dad always fixed a hot cup of tea 'spiked' with a bit of whisky, lemon and honey -- had me sweat it all out ...
Hope your feeling a little better by now, viruses are so miserable. DH has one at the moment and I'm so grateful not to have caught it (yet?). Get well soon!
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