Everyday Matters Weekly Challenge: Draw something old. I have a very old quarter-sawn tiger oak writing desk that is just one of my favorite pieces. These are a couple of details of a drawer handle and a bit of the carving on the drawer. I kept getting distracted by a vase of hydrangeas sitting nearby, and decided that since they were an old fashioned flower after all, it would be okay to add it to the page.
The photo is from a scrapbook of my grandmother's dated from the autumn of 1925 to the spring of 1926. We found the scrapbook several years ago after she died, tucked away in a closet. She and my grandfather were dating at the time she made the scrapbook, and the book is full of photos of their "gang" of friends. I don't know why she never shared it with us -- did she think that she and her friends acting up and having fun would have made us take her a little less seriously? Did she just forget about it? Did she think we wouldn't be interested?
I have to admit that scrapbook has been on my mind and taking up my time lately. I'm working to reproduce it, which has turned out to be a tougher job than expected. But with photos like this:

Who could resist?
You did an amazing job of intergrating different pieces onto that page. It's a great journal page. And I have pictures like those of your grandmother. Hey wouldn't that make a great painting? And thank you so much for your comment on my blog - much appreciated!
Linda, what a great page. I love the way you did the details of the desk rather than the whole thing, and that you added the photo. The photo below is priceless. You'll have to share your album when you are finished!
Wonderful page, I too love all the different aspects of it. What an excellent photo!
Linda, I like the way you combined all the different elements into one page. How fortunate to have found your grandmother's scrapbook, what a treasure that is.
What a wonderful journal page! And what a treasure you found when you found your grandmother's scrapbook!
wow, what a treasured find. I would love to know why she did not share it, maybe she just forgot about it. I love the challenge page you did, beautiful. What do you want to do with your grandmother's scrapbook?
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