Birch trees against the dark pines. I just can't figure out how to do the detail of the birches without losing the look of how they stood out, so it will just have to remain as is.

The fishing lure was painted before the trip. The WC of the point was started our first morning in Canada, but I didn't finish the last wash of darks until after we got back. I like this "sloppy" watercolor business!
On our last day in camp we had some dark storm clouds pass through. As they blew out, the sun was beginning to set, and that SPECIAL light (you know the kind I mean - all gold against the dark) hit the tops of the trees. I snapped a couple of photos, thinking it would make a good pastel landscape (which I haven't done in years, by the way.)

Now I'm having difficulty seeing how it should be cropped for the best composition. Anyone with any ideas?

Maybe balance the tall trees on the right with some big cumulus cloud formations on the right, giving the whole composition a kinda U-shape? Then really nail the piece with some wonderful reflections in the water of the far side. Just thinking. It's a beautiful setting!
I love the sketches from your vacation. I really like how you combined the fishing lure and the painting of the lake-very pretty!
Jim - I think that's a good suggestion! It feels like it just wanders off on the right, and a big cloud might be just the trick. Thanks!
Linda, You made wonderful vacation sketches! I really like your style.
Just a suggestion: I like the depth created by the rocks and trees in the foreground...which I would keep dark in value...and then let the upper right trail off in the distance as it does. This will create a nice frame for the part you like: the golden light hitting the tops of the trees.Whatever you do, I'm sure it will turn out amazing.
I love the light on dark texture on your trees ... and the "inset" fishing lure is wonderful in its context. The wet lower border evokes the feeling of water so well. Great pages.
Your stand of birch trees silhouetted aginst the darker pines doesn't need any more detail in my opinion.I think the negative space is really interesting visually, and really drives home the strong conrasts in this drawing.
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