It's been a while.
Things have changed -- some people have grown. Some people have learned to walk and talk and run and chase things.
I tend to think certain people have grown cuter and cuter.
But that's just my opinion. (Even if I am right.)

I think about this blog every now and then. Not often enough and usually just to feel guilty that I haven't posted.
The truth is, time has just rolled on, along with lots and lots of obligations, and I've let the time I allow for creativity/art dwindle away. Things -- and by that I mean actual THINGS -- have piled up around my art area, and at the end of the day, when I'm most tired of WORKING and most need to be playing, I can't use my art space without WORKING even more to clean it up.
I need to spend a day (or two or seven) to clean up and sell off / give away / throw away a lot of these things that are hampering my creativity rather than feeding it. I've started doing just that, but it feels like it is going to be a major project.
HOWEVER -- in the meanwhile -- Diahn and the New Year's Resolution Fairy have come to my rescue to help pull me out of my rut and put me back on the path.
Yes, I'm starting back -- simply and the way I started back some years ago -- by drawing a little something every day. Just a LITTLE something.
We have committed to drawing on a theme every month -- and this month's theme is Coffee. My first couple of drawings have been, um, well, terrible. I will warm up and get better. I'll post the first few in a group in a few days. I'll stick with it -- I promise.
And maybe we'll both grow a little this year.
Wow, so good to hear from you! Please don't let life interfere with your beautiful art.
Thanks to Diahn to get you going again. Coffee...hmmm, interesting.
Yeah!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys being creative again...maybe you will inspire me.
Thanks, you guys! I think I can... I think I can ... I think I can ... I KNOW I can...
Looking forward to seeing what happens, Linda! That certain someone sure has grown a lot! He is as cute as ever!
I need to work on my art area too. Maybe I will get some inspiration from you!
Just stopping by to see how you are... looks like you are spending your time on very important things. What a cutie! I have pondered the whole art studio clean-up thing myself--like gutting it completely and applying new paint, etc. Now that I've released this idea into the universe, it seems like a daunting task. Maybe it doesn't look so bad after all. LOL Have a lovely 2012. Hope to see you drawing again soon.
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