Meanwhile, I got to enjoy my daughter and son-in-law and grandpuppy for a bit last week when they came in for a visit. The week before that, my in-laws were in and we had a great time running around with the neices and nephews. This weekend my parents are in and we've really enjoyed their visit. It's been a busy and fun month -- lots of family, which is great!
Mom tells me I need to update my blog more often -- and she's right. Again, I've let it go too long, although it only feels like last week that I put something up. I'm playing with bigger and bigger pieces, which means fewer things to show -- but still -- stay tuned -- I may be taking a virtual sketch crawl of Venice soon, courtesy of we-all-know-who!
Oh, and I'm going to try and switch over to Blogger Beta, which means this will all republish -- apologies to Blogliners! If anyone knows of any potential BB problems, PLEASE let me know before I switch! :-)
(Technical bit -- watercolor on 140# cold pressed WC paper)
Howdy Linda! Good to see you here again! Am I right that I saw this watercolor in your studio? I like it just as well here, I must say! I've switched over to BB, and so far, I haven't had any troubles. I love the layout stuff - it makes it really easy to change things around. I've not noticed any Bloglines problems, either.
Hey - don't forget the silkscreen thing this coming Saturday at Jerry's!!!!!!!
Wow, beautiful.
Linda this looks great! Your memory of the waves is pretty good.
I would love to switch my blog over to beta but from what I understand I have to wait for an invite from blogger beta. sigh good to see you back
Linda, this is just gorgeous!! I love the pier sitting out in those perfect waves.
Glad to see someone else change to beta blogger as I need to do it yet.
I love this. There's a fishing pier or two in every town in Florida.I don't fish but I love spending the afternoon on them. Watercolor huh? No acrylic? I know I'm a nudge.
Well, I made the change to Beta and it was painless. Actually, I LOVE having the labels! For example, with this piece, if you hit the label "Florida" it will bring up all my Florida entries, including the sketch this painting is based on. Cool, huh!?! Thanks for the positive comments already -- wow!
Beautiful restrained palette, Ms Linda! I'm so happy to see your artwork again.
Your Mom is right, you should update more often! :)
Beautiful painting, the water looks very real for me.
Gorgeous, Linda! And yes, as usual, Mom is right. So good to see you posting again. This pier and water look so inviting, you did a grrat job with the waves. Thank you too, for the link and mention to my Blog. It's always wonderful to have friends stop in for a visit!
HAHAH I think you did awesome! Iv'e tried something like this before and it was the PIER that gave me trouble. Oh well.
Thanks for your comments on my blog! About the photo colors. She said it was certain blues and purples instead of natural reflecttions of things around the objects.
Get it?
I like it too, and I agree with your mom that you need to update more often!
I have been dreading trying to switch to the beta blogger for fear of messing something up. Guess I will have to be brave and take the plunge!
I'm with your Mum too!! It's always wonderful to see what you've been creating. Are there any problems when you switch to Beta? I'm afraid of losing everything! How do you go abour it?
Annie & Felicity -- don't be afraid of losing everything when you make the change to Beta -- it really is a huge improvement! I keep finding all these neat things it can do ...
Geeeezzz! I thought it was a photograph!
Hey sorry I haven't visited for so long - have been really busy! :(
New profile picture? And is that an SLR in your hand? Wooohoo, fellow shutterbug! :)
wish one could have words or pictures to express or represent the nice feeling that one gets. A warm silent smile inside and what the "Wish I was there" carries - excellent when they are together as an expression of appreciation. Can't afford to purchase, but can afford to say a quiet thankyou.
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