A quick change from all the watercolor to a small colored pencil sketch of
Patrick Sullivan's Saloon in Knoxville's Old City. Inspired by Janey's suggestion to use a 5"x7" Itoya Art Profolio, slipping loose sheets into the pockets. Also inspired by recent comments on the EDM list about a "bonus round" of travel drawings and drawings from your home town. Seems like we also had a challenge to re-do a previous challenge using a different medium? Anyway, this Knoxville landmark is one of my favorites.
ah - sketching brothels, now, are you? This reminds me of a very nice, lazy Saturday afternoon - sketching with a very talented friend...oh - hey - that was YOU!!
I love this sketch, L - you've done the old girl justice!
-Diahn, who still can't comment legitimately due to the beta fiasco...
I just love your work Linda! I always enjoy seeing new posts from you.
Yep, Diahn, you've got it! This is from the photo I took while standing in the middle of the street, while you so kindly sat on the ready with the engine running in case I needed saving from the threat of being run over by a coffee truck ...
I'll tell you people, friends like that aren't easy to find!
Wow Linda, this is gorgeous! Is it really a brothel?
So good to see you back with your beautiful art work.
:-D Yep, Teri ... at least it WAS a brothel a couple of times in its history. It's still a fun place to hang out -- just a bit tamer!
hi Linda
nice sketch, I am trying to practice more architectural drawing, it's so difficult, you've done a nice job with a very ornate subject!
and thanks for your comment, you've got a good eye, you're right, I hadn't drawn those people before!
LOVE the blue infrastructure ;D. Are these Cretacolors? Wonderful to see you back at it again!
The colours are wonderful, it's really alive!
i so admire this wonderful sketch...i find architecture so difficult, particularly with all of the great detail you have captured in this one!
:-D Laura & Felicity, I'm afraid this is done with good-old reliable prismacolors! I do love using that indigo and purple and tuscan red for darks -- makes 'em pop!
Zephyr and Cin, I need to do MORE architectural drawings, because there was a huge struggle with perspective on this one. (Of course it didn't help that the corner of the building is actually more acute than the standard 90 degrees, rounded off, and that as the building receeds, and should be getting smaller, the road goes down a steep hill, so the building actually gets taller ... sigh) I cheated by doing a quick scribble sketch in light purple -- it almost always blends into the overlying layers.
That's my cheater's trick of the day! :-)
This is wonderful, I love it. A brothel? Did someone say it's a brothel? And I buy those books by the dozen on line at jerrysartarma.com when they go on sale. I keep on telling myself I have to paint the covers but that would mean I'd have to paint. Why don't you? What kind of paper did you use? Are they watercolor pencils?
Beautiful Linda ... colored pencil suits the subject very well.
This is GORGEOUS! I love the colors!
Thanks Janey, Karen, Tami -- and everybody else! :-D
Janey -- it USED to be a brothel. If brothels ever come back into style in Knoxville, I'm sure it will become one again, as it was originally constructed for that purpose ...:-D
Type of paper used : Stonehenge
Type of pencil : Plain old prismacolors
And I hadn't thought about painting the cover, although I'd thought about doing something fun to replace the little piece of paper that goes in the spine!
Linda, this is absolutely fabulous. It's beautiful!
Oh beautiful! I wish ther would be such nice houses in my neighbourhood ...
It also works for the current EDM of a storefront, even if the store isn't currently selling its "wares". This is really great!
Linda, this is a great sketch! What fun to draw a landmark that has such a colourful history. I agree with Karen, the Prisma pencil crayons work really well with this subject.
Hmmm...I have a bunch of Prismas but the pencil cores keep breaking so I haven't used them very much. Maybe I should try again. Your drawing is very inspirational!
nice little painted lady!
You have managed to capture the home town feel of this building....Lovely!
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