This still needs some tweaking, and the pinks and greens just don't photo well, no matter what I try! :-)
Still -- I HAD to do something bright and cheerful, so this is it. Sorry for the long absence, but I found I really needed a break from it all, including keeping up with e-mails, etc. and decided that I would just take the month of August OFF.
But now I'm baaaaaaack......
(technical details: watercolor on Arches 300# hot press, 28"x16")
Been missing you, and wondering where you were, I am so glad you are back (and I totally understand the need to back away for a time)!
Pinks and greens always remind me of a dear friend from my high school days, so I think the colors are lovely even if they have not been captured well!
I love the painting, it is bright and cheerful.
Don't you dare tweak a thing! It is perfect the way it is! In my humble (HA!)opinion, you've been way too critical of your most recent stuff---and I think it has really gotten you down and made you hesitant to paint again. (However, what do I know, so please forgive the nosiness and chutzpah ;D.) Reach for that good old QC joie de vivre, that all of your fans know and love!
So beautiful... wonderful colors and a luminous feel. What is the state of your current palette btw?
Thank you for the comment on my blog. Looking at your blog again..it's a great compliment coming from YOU! Thanks for sharing your work too.
Love it!!
BS Karen
Gorgeous painting,glad to see you're back
Really nice! I like the light on the Flamingos; they really seem to play in the sun. And the dark background enforces this feeling.
Well it's about time ;D
I live in Florida but the only time we see flamingos is in the zoo. Great Blue Herons, Egrets and ducks a million but sadly only plastic flamingos in my neighborhood. And I love the colors, no tweaking allowed.
Thank you ALL! The colors of the real painting are fine -- I won't be tweaking THEM -- it's the eyes that are in need of some further research, maybe!
(and Laura, you're right -- I need to lighten up a bit! :-D
WOW! beautiful!
so nice to see more of your work...and what a dazzler it is...this is fabulous...really! so lively and fluid as in life
amazing! I have not a clue how to do something like this, the water especially, the light as it gets closer to the surface, wonderful!! welcome back
Linda, you are amazing! This simply sparkles! I love the water and I love the Flamingoes. The first time I saw Flamingoes was when I visited Lydia in San Diego last year. They are beautiful and you captured that in this painting.
Yes, you DO need to lighten up on yourself. Taking a month off sounds entirely reasonable, too.(Very glad you're back, though..Hug)
This is wonderful, the colours and the light just beautiful! Glad you're back!
Glad to see you back. Looks like the time off served you well.
Beautiful, Linda, the colors, the transparency, the composition, everything!
Oh, wow! This is fantastic. Everything about it is fantastic. Well done.
OMG, Linda - it is absolutely MAGICAL! I love the light on the feathers, and the highlights on the water and absolutely everything else about it! I can't believe I was gone all week and missed it until today!!!!
-Diahn (who can't sign in to your blog because I've switched to Blogger Beta...how lame is that???)
I'm with everyone else: NO TWEAKING NECESSARY!
This painting cheers me so. Glad you're back.
Beautiful! Love the rendering of the water and the colors compliment each other.
welcome back, i know the feeling of needing a break every now and then.
That's beautiful! It's something I'd love to have hanging on my wall. How big is it?
Linda, I love this painting! Those birds have character and spirit! The water is wonderfully rendered! I am in awe. Thanks for your kind words about my lotus flower!
Thanks again, you guys! Renate, the painting is nearly a full page -- actual painted area (not counting border) is 28 x 16.
A tiny bit erotic huh? And what are this do doing? Looks like a mating dance to me :D
This is perfect!!! I LOVE the concept!!! Nice to see you back!
I really love this painting. Excellent work!
Nice to see your back.
I think this is wonderful!!
Wow! These flamingos are spectacular. I love the way you did their feathers. Also the reflections in the water are masterfully done. What a pleasure to see.
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