Yes - I've been able to do a little bit of painting and drawing in the past couple of weeks, but not much. Last weekend, DH's parents and family came in, and were here until mid-week. This weekend, MY parents came in to visit. All in all a wonderful two weekends in a row, and as I very much love all parties involved, I've been more than happy to put artwork aside for a bit.
However, I did find time to begin this full size (!) watercolor of autumn leaves, inspired by the Everyday Matters weekly challenge a few weeks back, and based on a photograph I found on Morguefile. This is just the upper left hand corner. I left the largest leaves unpainted, because they will need to be really detailed and I was afraid that even an initial wash would mess me up -- I don't know yet if that was a good decision or not! This has really been fun to work on, as I've only drawn a few of the leaves at a time, then worked on them, then drawn the next few. Rather than being anything close to a precise copy of the photo, this painting has evolved as I work on it. Hopefully it will continue to feel this good!
I should be back on a more regular schedule by Wednesday and hope to begin then to catch up a bit on challenges.

Hi Linda! I have missed seeing your work. I really like this one as it is. Of couse, I could see it as a page in a journal, with an entry written in the white space, which I suppose totally ruins the true artistic value of the piece!
Linda this is a really wonderful watercolor!
It is going to be beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished painting. Let us know when you do.
Absolutely beautiful!
I love the painting as it is right now too, though that doesn't mean I won't also love the finished version. :-) I second Annie's comment about the white space, though I was thinking of a creative picture frame.
Thanks to you all -- Annie and Danielle, what neat ideas you both have about the white space -- I hadn't even thought about it!
This is coming along really nicely, you have a great composition happening. I look forward to seeing updates and the finished product.
This is wonderful just as it is - can't wait to see how it progresses.
I a gree with Annie and Danielle. It is fascinating to see how the leaves emerge from the yellow background.
Is it going to be all filled in? I sort of like the space in the middle, too.
Yes! So beautiful, Linda! You are doing such great work.
Somehow I knew you were a dragon rider. :D
This is turning out really nice. It makes me want to use watercolor again.
Beautiful! I, too, like the empty middle area.
Love your colour palette here, thanks Linda. The autumn leaves attracted my interest yet again this year.
Peter Bryenton
Your leaves r BEAUTIFUL!I would love to take a watercolor class as well. I took a drawing class a few years ago and the teacher's main medium was Prisma color pencil's. It was amazing how her work looked as if it was done in oil! That really turned me on to Prisma's.
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