
Sunday, October 29, 2006

EDM Wings

A quick little study for a watercolor painting I'm considering. Fits right in with the Everyday Matters Challenge this week for "draw something with wings." All this painting and less drawing is beginning to take it's toll -- I had a tough time sketching a portrait (also as a study for the painting) because my drawing skills have gotten so rusty. Which clinches it for me -- it's important to draw SOMETHING everyday!

(technical stuff: Graphite & Cretacolor AquaMonoliths on Fabriano Studio paper with a litle water added)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Fun Friday in Fall

I took the day off from work today and went to Dollywood to work with my friend Marcia who has a booth there selling jewelry during the Arts and Crafts festival. Since it was raining this morning, with a forecast for rain, high winds, and cold all day, she advised me to bring my sketchbooks along, as business was likely to be slow.

Well, it rained sure enough, and sales were slow to start with, but we had plenty to do, and then it got a little busy, and I never got the chance to sketch a thing. Still, I managed to sneak out and take a couple of photos...

It's been years since I've been to Dollywood -- too many crowds and all that for me, but who can resist a place that has a carousel with a dragon on it?

... or a lovely deer?

...and, of course, I fell in love with this all together different kind of ride!

I know, I have to get back to work painting tonight -- the piece I've been working on for watercolor class is something I'm not real happy with -- it was an exercise in something and served the purpose, but now I'm starting something I really want to do. I promise to faithfully update! And there's STILL Venice .... and carousel horses ... and Diahn and I go to a silk-screening workshop tomorrow, so who knows what will become of that!?!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wish I Was There

A quickie of the fishing pier on Okaloosa Island in Florida where my daughter lives -- watercolor done a few months ago based on a sketch I did last April. Next time I go to the beach, I really need to look at the waves -- I had the hardest time remembering what they MIGHT look like! :-)

Meanwhile, I got to enjoy my daughter and son-in-law and grandpuppy for a bit last week when they came in for a visit. The week before that, my in-laws were in and we had a great time running around with the neices and nephews. This weekend my parents are in and we've really enjoyed their visit. It's been a busy and fun month -- lots of family, which is great!

Mom tells me I need to update my blog more often -- and she's right. Again, I've let it go too long, although it only feels like last week that I put something up. I'm playing with bigger and bigger pieces, which means fewer things to show -- but still -- stay tuned -- I may be taking a virtual sketch crawl of Venice soon, courtesy of we-all-know-who!

Oh, and I'm going to try and switch over to Blogger Beta, which means this will all republish -- apologies to Blogliners! If anyone knows of any potential BB problems, PLEASE let me know before I switch! :-)

(Technical bit -- watercolor on 140# cold pressed WC paper)