A quickie of the fishing pier on Okaloosa Island in Florida where my daughter lives -- watercolor done a few months ago based on a sketch I did last April. Next time I go to the beach, I really need to look at the waves -- I had the hardest time remembering what they MIGHT look like! :-)
Meanwhile, I got to enjoy my daughter and son-in-law and grandpuppy for a bit last week when they came in for a visit. The week before that, my in-laws were in and we had a great time running around with the neices and nephews. This weekend my parents are in and we've really enjoyed their visit. It's been a busy and fun month -- lots of family, which is great!
Mom tells me I need to update my blog more often -- and she's right. Again, I've let it go too long, although it only feels like last week that I put something up. I'm playing with bigger and bigger pieces, which means fewer things to show -- but still -- stay tuned -- I may be taking a virtual sketch crawl of Venice soon, courtesy of
Oh, and I'm going to try and switch over to Blogger Beta, which means this will all republish -- apologies to Blogliners! If anyone knows of any potential BB problems, PLEASE let me know before I switch! :-)
(Technical bit -- watercolor on 140# cold pressed WC paper)